Fusion360 Tutorials
From Rabbi Blog
by Product Design Online
- Fusion 360 Tutorial for Absolute Beginners (2020) - Create a stamp tool
- Good pace, clear instructions. For a beginner in F360 but with experience in other programs, some questions of "how did you know to do that?" came up for me. Example, you can't sketch in blank space and in order to create the handle ends, you create an additional plane, offset, to the first plane, then add the circle end to that (prior to Fillet).
- Fusion 360 Tutorial for Absolute Beginners (2020) — Project #2 - Create a book holder
30 Days
- Lego Brick (see notes)
- shell (hollow), extrude, pattern (rectangle) duplication, circle, line (draft)
- Beer Bottle
- reference image, fit point spline, revolve, glass appearance
- Paper Clip
- Line, sketch fillets, sweep (from sketch profile)
- Constraints
- Horizontal\Vertical - make line(s) the same length. Click the H\V, then the end point of the line to be changed, then the reference point.
- If tangent circles don't show up: Auto Project Preferences
- Turn on Auto project edges on reference and turn off Auto look at sketch
- You'll need this on the Lego Brick Tutorial
- If you can't select a circle\surface\etc, make sure it is flat (see Constraints)
- Could not select the top of the beer bottle