

From Rabbi Blog

Banners that have appeared on the site.

The Fate of 8

Gumaxcomheader db.jpg

The first banner of the new website. Features DieselBoy (Jason) at Boston Billiards.


Gumaxcomheader erin.jpg

The second banner featured on the site (with a slight error in the upper right corner), this banner features my daughter Erin. This one may be redone (and a new psd template created) as it has jpeg loss/fuzzy artifacts as it was harvested from the first template.



Inverted and tipped sideways from the Tips From The Top Floor photo challenge entry, pictured is my Les Paul and one of my Bugs Bunny ties. New template created (note the lettering is clear). Future banners will only require the image to be placed in the Layers section and exported to jpeg for completion.


Gumaxcomheader fireworks.jpg

Some of my July fireworks pictures put together in the banner. Some others can be scene on my Flickr page. Just a slightly different banner deviation from the B&W series.

Kansas City By Night

Banner kcbynight.jpg

One of two pictures I took from the 29th floor of the Hyatt (1 & 2 using a 15 sec exposure and an f-stop of 8.

Long Day

Gumaxcomheader longday.jpg

A self portrait for my inclusion in the DnD365 photo group on Flickr.


Gumaxcomheader wine.jpg

Another from the 365 project on Flickr

Mixed Signals

Gumaxcomheader mixedsignals.jpg

Figured it was time for a banner change. This one is a streetlight shot taken in Nashua NH around 11PM at night. 5 or 6 separate stages of the light were combined for the final product showcasing the full range of signals available from the light. The full shot available on Flickr

Hermit Island 2011

Gumaxcomheader hermit2011.jpg

Self portrait at Sand Dune Beach on Hermit Island, full shot on Flickr.